Baofeng Dual Band Transceiver Radio

Baofeng Dual Band Transceiver Radio

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Philippines Clawed Lobsters


                                                 Clawed Lobster

Careful! that species ready for attack.
contributed photo by Fritz John Augosto Menguito

Bad lobster ! Photo Contributed
 by Fritz John Augosto Menguito

The clawed lobster is what comes to mind when thinking of lobsters.

These lobsters have five sets of walking legs and three sets of claws.

 The first set of claws is much larger than the following two sets.

Clawed lobsters are important for the seafood industry, because they have become the expected type of lobster.

Clawed lobsters include the American lobster and the European lobster.

Different kinds of parking, i wanna say
this is illegal parking. Photo contributed
Fritz John Augosto Menguito

Live clawed lobsters around Ireland are usually a dark blue/black color and they turn red when cooked. 

However, there are a number of color variations landed each year some of which have a genetic basis (colourmorphs). 

For example over a five year period (between the years 1993 to 1997) 8 “electric” blue, 7 red, and 4 white lobster were reported or brought to the Shellfish Research Laboratory (NUIG). 

By using the national annual fishery landing estimates a crude guesstimate of natural occurrence of these color variants are 1 in 566,000 lobsters, 1 in 647,000 lobsters and 1 in 1,132,000 lobsters respectively.